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Mzumbe University


Mzumbe University has a rich history dating back to 1953 when it was established as a local government school under the British Colonial Administration. Originally focused on training local Chiefs, Native Authority Staff, and Councilors, its mission expanded post-Tanzania’s independence to include training Central Government Officials, Rural Development Officers, and local Court Magistrates. In 1972, it merged with the Institute of Public Administration of the University of Dar es Salaam, evolving into the Institute of Development Management (IDM-Mzumbe), dedicated to training professional managers for both public and private sectors.

In response to evolving human resource needs and decades of successful operation, IDM-Mzumbe was elevated to a fully-fledged public university under the Act of Parliament No. 21 of 2001. Subsequently, in December 2006, the Mzumbe University Act No. 21 of 2001 was replaced by the Universities Act of Tanzania No. 7 of 2005. This transformation led to the establishment of the Mzumbe University Charter in 2007, underscoring our commitment to societal development. The university’s mandate, as outlined in the charter, emphasizes training, research, publications, and public service through consultancy, reflecting our dedication to serving the public interest.

Courses Offered at Mzumbe University:

Mzumbe University offers a comprehensive range of academic programs across various faculties and disciplines, including:

  • Faculty of Law: Provides undergraduate and postgraduate programs in law, including LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) and LL.M (Master of Laws) degrees.
  • Faculty of Business Administration: Offers programs in business management, accounting, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, and procurement and supply chain management.
  • Faculty of Social Sciences: Provides courses in economics, sociology, public administration, international relations, and political science.
  • Faculty of Science and Technology: Offers programs in information technology, computer science, mathematics, statistics, and environmental management.
  • Faculty of Public Administration: Provides specialized training in public administration, governance, policy analysis, and development studies.
  • School of Education: Offers programs in education, including teaching methodologies, curriculum development, and educational management.

Mzumbe University’s commitment to academic excellence, research, and public service makes it a distinguished institution dedicated to nurturing skilled professionals and contributing to national development in Tanzania and beyond.



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